Education and Science
Alabama Index category Education and Science is welcoming webmaster that want to submit websites about Education and Science. |
Forlklift training school Toronto and Scarborough - JAZ Truck Driving training school a name in forklift training and truck driving school in Toronto which also offers school bus driving and air bus class in Ajax, Scarborough, GTA, Pickering and Whitby in Canada. - [Read More] |
fish pets - The Paradise fish (Macropodus opercularis) is a type of gourami; hence it is more commonly referred to as Paradise Gourami. Paradise gouramis are an Asian species, with wild populations found predominantly in Eastern Asia from Korea and Taiwan, across to India and Pakistan. They can be found in all bodies of freshwater.
Unfortunately, they have a reputation for being aggressive, so their popularity has dropped in the last few years in favor of more peaceful gouramis.
They are a type of Labyrinth fish, which means they develop a lung-like organ that allows that to take oxygen from the surface of the water. It is important to note that they are not born with this organ, so you need to ensure sufficient oxygenation of your tank water.
Although they are not as popular within the fish keeping hobby, they are still relatively easy to obtain, with an average price of $5 per fish.
Paradise Fish Lifespan
Given the right water parameters and a well-balanced diet, a healthy Paradise gourami can live between 8 and 10 years, perhaps a little longer. - [Read More] | - Core java tutorial for beginners and professionals with examples on Basics, OOPs, Methods, Overloading, Overriding, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Interfaces, Packages, Abstract classes, String handling, Exception handling, IO, Collections, Multithreading, Serialization and more. - [Read More] |
Study and Learning Platform - A beginner student will need extra care. He needs to have an easy time going trough the projects because of the extra explanations that are hidden all over the place. We need to add as much detail and predefined structure. Exercises are a must for this type of user. He needs training wheels for a long period and the UI will provide them. Constants reminders will take care of keeping his memory fresh after learning new topics. He also needs additional attention on the motivation side. Messages that encourage him to continue will resonate with his needs. A lot of users go for a dive and keep reading as long as interesting subjects emerge. We need to ensure that these subjects are easy to discover and evaluate. A seasoned student will use multiple indicators to evaluate if the content is worthy of spending the time on it. Ex: Number of views, number of comments, google trends, number of github stars, number of downloads, etc. We need to meaningful stats and recommendations for this type of user.This type of wants to accomplish all achievements, collect all rewards and get his spot in the hall of fame. He wants to consume everything and he is on a mission to conquer the world of programming. This type of user will resonate with everything gamification related. He is a natural speed runner in all the game he plays and so is the learning process. - [Read More] | - Our SMART Instructors are the fuel that makes SMART CEUs Hub run
They are passionate experts of Recreational Therapy in their respective settings.
They help to bridge the gap of education after graduation with the Recreational Therapy degree.
They are motivated individuals who want to propel our profession further while earning a monthly residual income for their work.
If you feel you have something valuable to share with the rest of the profession, and have a desire to earn a monthly residual income for courses that you create, then we would love to hear from you!
We are not a one man or woman show!
Our team consists of many parts pushing forward together to improve the online CE experience for Recreational Therapists everywhere.
The majority of our team consists of Recreational Therapy Experts who we call our SMART Instructors. They are Recreational Therapists who have both a passion to teach a broad TR audience and have extensive experience in various areas of TR.
We also have a top notch social media expert, an awesome RT Newsletter writer, some amazing tech dudes, and our founder Nathan Lamaster, who steers the ship. - [Read More] |
DDFD - Alfonso Ngan - 顏慶雲 - DDFD - Dislocation Density Function Dynamics developed by Alfonso Hing-wan Ngan (顏慶雲教授) is a highly efficient method for simulating microstructures at the meso-scale. Source code in Matlab for crystal plasticity simulation is available for request or download. - [Read More] |
NLP Master Practitioner Thailand - Utilizing a Mind Tools Life Coach is about not only making changes but also continuous improvement in life. If you talk about achieving something, it is a dream. Mind Tools helps you to achieve and realize that specific dream quickly and achieve your goals more easily. Your Personal Mind Tools Coach assists and guides you towards your desired goal. Mind Tools Business Coaching – Your unique chance to work with the best Business Professionals with many years of experience. We have the Tools, Equipment, Network and Knowledge to enhance your Business with Gains to provide you with Operational, Tactical and Strategical advice to grow your business beyond your own expectation. Building Effective Teams is about creating effective teams with a clear sense of purpose while building the right context to encourage team members to be empowered, motivated, and challenged utilizing their full potential.Maximise Team Potential is designed to drastically improve how teamwork affects productivity relationships in the workplace. Working together may lead to stress, demotivation and bias that affects team performance. Join us and learn through activities to maximize your Leadership, collaboration, communication, creativity, teamwork and so you. - [Read More] |
Latest News:
August 22, 2018 : Directory still going strong. We got a sponsorship from SEO Services by SEOMarketplace.NET so the directory is safe for the next years, up to 2022 at least.
January 22, 2015 : 23,455 live links, average waiting time for review around 2 months.
January 14, 2014 : Directory restarted, domain extended 2 years, new editor. Average review time is 3-6 months.
General Information
Directory reg extended until January 2015. This is a free human edited web directory.
If you really want to remove a link you can contact me at reg email.