Mental Health
Alabama Index category Mental Health is welcoming webmaster that want to submit websites about Mental Health. |
Psychologist Gold Coast - Laurie Brotherstone Psychologist, Everyone has the right to feel valued and worthwhile and at some time in our lives we can all benefit from professional support and assistance in overcoming life’s hurdles. Laurie provides counselling in key areas of psychological concern, including: anxiety and depression; relationship counselling; couples counselling; anger management; developing self-confidence; assertiveness training; trauma and PTSD; addictions (drug, alcohol, pornography); stress management; and overcoming barriers to change. To find out more, please call in complete confidence on 1300 097 233 and speak to Laurie if you have any questions. Our Difference, Our practice is private and discreet to provide a caring, nurturing and trustworthy environment that supports your personal development. Extended opening hours: Laurie works 2 evenings per week to suit people who are working or lead busy lives. Laurie can see people in her practice in Bundall. Laurie offer a highly personalised approach and her focus is to help each person reach their goals of engaging in therapy. Laurie is the Principal Psychologist at LB Psychologists Bundall and has a wealth of experience in helping a wide range of clients. Laurie identified her passion for psychology in her early 20’s and she has worked in a variety of areas as she gained qualifications and experience. These included working with disabled children, adolescents with behavioural and mental health problems, long term unemployed, relationship counselling with couples, facilitating personal development programs in the community, and in a forensic setting within corrective services before opening her own private practice 6 years ago. Laurie’s diverse work background allows her to relate to people from all walks of life and work in a supportive and non-judgemental way with her clients. Laurie uses a diverse style of counselling that includes Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Schema Therapy, Neuropsychology, and Mindfulness and Relaxation techniques to ensure that the ‘best fit’ is found for each client to help them reach their goals for engaging in therapy. Laurie is able to explain things in a way that makes sense and that people can relate to. Her aim is to help people become more resilient and confident to cope in our increasingly busy and stressful world. - [Read More] |
Mindfulness meditation - Do yoga. Yoga unites your mind, body, and breathing. As a bonus, down dog and additional poses will open up your hips so you can sit more easily if you choose to meditate afterward. When numerous of us began spending more time at home this preceding spring, many of us considered the urge to trim excess belongings and arrange our stuff. However, getting disorder out of the house was challenging because many foundations were closed at the pandemic's commencement.
Luckily, groups like Goodwill, The Salvation Army, and others are now taking donations in many regions. You may need to take advantage of this chance to separate from your properties. I suggest calling donation centers before you pack your car. Not all places are open for business, and some have decreased hours and limitations on what they will receive. Once you discover a place that will accept donations, here are suggestions to help you decluttering as fall is slowly fading away. - [Read More] |
Psiholog Sibiu - In cazul psihoterapiei de cuplu, aceasta ramura a psihoterapiei are ca obiectiv rezolvarea conflictelor ce apar intr-un cuplu precum si imbunatatirea relatiilor romantice dintre parteneri si are loc intre terapeut si cuplu, fie ca este vorba despre un cuplu marital sau nu. Intrucat in marea majoritate a relatiilor, mai devreme sau mai tarziu partenerii vor intampina anumite provocari precum infidelitatea, gelozia, furia, comunicarea deficitara, lipsa de intelegere intre membri, probleme legate de intimitate, probleme medicale, interactiunea cu alte persoane (de exemplu: un alt membru al familiei) sau conflicte de alta natura, aceasta forma de terapie vine in intampinarea neplacerilor de ordin psihologic cauzate de aceste situatii.
La fel ca si in cazul psihoterapiei individuale si al psihoterapiei familiale, reusita acestui proces sta in stabilirea unei bune relatii terapeutice intre terapeut si membrii cuplului.
Viitorul relatiei este puternic influentat de anumiti factori cum ar fi: tiparul de atasament, tiparele de relationare mostenite sau trasaturile de personalitate.Toate aceste aspecte sunt luate in calcul in cadrul sedintelor de psihoterapie,pentru ca partenerii sa poata trece cu bine peste aceste dificultati intr-un mod sanatos (adaptativ) ,sperand ca in acest fel sa evitam dezvoltarea tiparelor de interactiune disfunctionale, oferind ghidare in rezolvarea conflictelor, sporirea intelegerii dintre parteneri, obtinerea unei comunicari eficiente si a unei negocieri sanatoase a diferentelor individuale. - [Read More] |
mental health clinic London - Counselling and talking therapy is offered in a confidential and compassionate space. We will walk beside you as you look at how your experience affects you and impacts your daily life. With your therapist you can spend time understanding the thoughts, beliefs and values that contribute to feeling anxious. This process helps to regain a sense of control that enables you to manage your anxiety so that you are better able to cope with the inevitable ups and downs of life. - [Read More] |
Latest News:
August 22, 2018 : Directory still going strong. We got a sponsorship from SEO Services by SEOMarketplace.NET so the directory is safe for the next years, up to 2022 at least.
January 22, 2015 : 23,455 live links, average waiting time for review around 2 months.
January 14, 2014 : Directory restarted, domain extended 2 years, new editor. Average review time is 3-6 months.
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Directory reg extended until January 2015. This is a free human edited web directory.
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